Sub Mini SPDT Metal Toggle Switch
$2.00 Sold out
These are perfect for the Variable Clock kits or for switching your backlight on and off. They would also go great for RGB backlights to turn on/off red, green, and blue individually(you will need 3 switches for this).
This is a sub-mini switch and will fit in most Game Boys given the proper placement.
Single pole, double throw. This means the switch has two on positions(middle pin is common) but can be used for on/off applications.
There are 3 order options:
"1 toggle switch" is one switch by itself with 2 hex nuts and washers.
"Backlight on/off installed" when ordering a backlit DMG you can add this item to be able to turn your backlight on and off.
"Three toggle switches" get 3 switches at once for $1 off!
You will need a 3/16" drill bit to install this into your device.
*this will not work for the Hex Switch DIY kit. You need a double pole switch for this*